Our Solutions...

Our solutions span numerous areas, some or all of which may be relevant for each intervention.

We always focus on our client’s business drivers ensuring they get real value and ROI for each project undertaken.

Whilst you will see several core solution areas below, our solutions are built specifically for each client to ensure total relevance and applicability to their situation, needs and specific challenges.

“A successful person never loses, they either win or learn”
John Calipari

McMurdo Consultants-Flex Form


As businesses come to grips with a post virus world, the need to build realigned and rescoped sales plans will be essential to give direction and focus to help motivate our teams.

The Flex+Form approach is a dynamic yet practical facilitation that utilises robust prework analysis, a collaborative plan building process, followed by coaching to finalise and finesse your plan and communication to the team.

Tailored for your market and business, never has a planning process been a mix of serious and fun!’


Assessment of Capability.

Following strategy development, businesses must review the sales team’s structure and capabilities to ensure they can enable and execute on the strategy.

Whether we utilise tailored assessment centres; behavioural interviewing against agreed criteria; or using 360°, 180° or self assessment online tools ~ each will produce a detailed report identifying strengths and gaps.

These reports can also act as enablers for personal development plans and as guides for a sales leader’s coaching approach.


Once we have developed our strategies and assessed our current team, we will have identified potential gaps. This is where effective recruitment comes into play.

Many organisations espouse different approaches and methodologies, but fundamentally you have to know sales! Being able to identify a sales ‘virtuoso’ is critical. Those who can consistently build strong, sustainable pipelines and interact across a client’s business, driving real value for the customer.

Our track record over 20 years ensures you get the right person, who is the right fit for your business.

Sales Leadership.

One thing is certain, sales leadership is one of the most challenging roles in any business. The balance between being a strategic thinker; communicator; motivator; performance manager; coach and mentor is a multi-faceted role that takes a broad range of skill sets.

Nobody said it was easy! We believe our approaches to developing these critical individuals, who are  a conduit to sales success, challenges and builds the capabilities needed to develop winning teams.

Key Account Management.

What is Key Account Management?

What it isn’t is using standard selling techniques and approaches with big customers!

We believe it is mobilising the business and account teams to deliver insights and solutions that will add value to their customer’s business.

An approach where the Key Account Director or Manager is the coordinator of planning activities to achieve the best outcomes for both the client and of course you.

The structured, blended learning approaches used, have been successful in many markets and bring real sustained value and success to our clients and their customers.


Effective pitching can be the difference between business success and failure. Whether responding to an RFP or proactively pursuing an opportunity, we must follow some key rules of engagement.

Ideally, pitching should be approached as a project over and above an individual’s or team’s workload. However as we know this is utopian! There are shortcuts and best practices we share with you to help.

Our experience in pitching has helped organisations win millions of dollars worth of work and the practical tools and capabilities needed can be embedded into the business, be replicable and ensure a higher conversion rate in those key, must-win opportunities.

Sales Capability Building.

We constantly utilise global research to challenge and test our front line sales modules to ensure they are up to date and relevant in an ever-changing world.

From pre-sales; strategic sales; territory reps; enterprise sales to post sales support, we ensure that we take into consideration the latest trends whilst maintaining a keep it simple, practical approach, that is market and role specific. This ultimately drives your differentiation in an ever more competitive and crowded market.

Portfolio Planning; Sales Capability Improvement; Insight Development and Delivery; Executive Whiteboarding; Presenting Solutions; and Negotiating the Best Outcomes are just some of the areas where we have a track record of success, all aligned to the execution and enablement of a business’s sales strategy.

Negotiating for Success.

We have noticed in recent times that with increased competitive pressure and internal challenges regarding staff retention and experience, that even more focus is being put on winning more of the ‘right deals’. This is the same whether you are a seller or buyer. What is crucial, is to do it in a way that doesn’t damage your longer term relationships. Negotiating for Success is another key element in a Business Teams armoury. We address the processes, capabilities and the mindset needed to get you the best outcomes for your business success.